Pope boniface in dantes inferno

Who was the pope in 1300 who did he compete with for power

In his Inferno, Dante portrayed Boniface VIII being punished in hell for simony, even though Boniface was still alive at the date of the poem's story.

pope boniface in dantes inferno

What is pope boniface viii known for

Boniface, for Dante, is personal and public enemy number one.

Pope boniface viii and king philip iv

Virgil has Dante tell the sinner that he is not Boniface and the sinner identifies himself as Pope Nicholas III. He says that other Simonists are buried deeper in the hole and that when his .

Pope boniface viii cause of death
Even though Pope Boniface VIII never physically shows up in the Inferno, he's a major figure, both in Dante’s political life and as a symbol of sin.