Vellu saarela biography samples

Student biography samples

Interview with the man himself Vellu SaarelaTake a look at what inspires him and makes him the tricker he is today.
vellu saarela biography samples

Vellu saarela biography samples

Vellu Saarela - yhteyshenkilö, Tampere, Luokitus, Sähköposti, Verkkosivusto, urheilija, Professional tricker with 12+ years of experience.

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Date of birth: 18 October Started tricking: January x European Trickery ChampionMissing: samples.
Vellu saarela biography samples pdf
Trikkausuransa vuotiaana aloittanut Veli-Matti Saarela innostui nuorena videoista, joissa tehtiin hurjia voltteja.